Figure with Fabric
Figure with fabric
is a study in digital charcoal, again using Procreate. This is from a photo reference found on NMA. My original intention was to draw this and future work with more of a gesture feel, very loose and pushing my hint of color a little further. What I ended up with was this and I know why.
I’m not completely unsatisfied with the outcome, except that I found myself working in the same groove as before. I suspect if I start off using gesture instead of enveloping and building out my work I would be able to find a valid place to -stop- refining.
Here is a Video of the progression,
I certain to try again, probably not with this particular pose and I‘ll start off with some strong gestures... (or try to work myself up to making strong gestures). I tend to find myself favoring certain poses, not that I don’t try to draw other more pedestrian poses it’s that they just come out looking... well too pedestrian to me. I’ll keep banging away at it.
This model reference was found on NMA’s site. I think I’ll start working with some of the gesture exercises there as well as Croquis Cafe.